6 months ↓20 lbs ↓24 inches
1) I had gone through periods of working out and watching what I eat, but had always found myself lost in exactly what works in terms of dieting and making unsustainable goals. When I first signed up, I was coming off a bad year, easily in the worst shape of my life, but as I was progressing with my emotional health, I wanted my physical health to improve alongside with it.
2) Nobody's perfect, and everyone's body works differently. Realistically I don't have the time or the resources to get ripped in 6 months like Hugh Jackman, but the healthiest form of comparison is with myself. Looking in the mirror and viewing how I have improved this week not only physically but as a person in general.
3) Taking an affirmative step to improve your health is always a big thing, and at first all the information and food planning may seem overwhelming but Anthony makes things super easy to understand and he is very involved in checking up and making sure everything is working for you. He is there rooting for you in your health journey, no matter what stage you may be at. I would also say, never live and die by what the scale reads, as I believe I only lost 1 pound my first month but looking at the side by sides and noting how much better I was sleeping and how much more energy I had, showed that I was significantly healthier even after that first month.